Tag Archives: officer safety

BRIEFING VIDEO: A Review of the Pulse Nightclub Shooting

This briefing video is the TBLL interpretation of the Pulse Nightclub after action report entitled Rescue, Response, and Resilience. This report was put out by COPS and the Police Foundation in 2017. This video tells the story of the Pulse Nightclub shooting and then reviews 10 of the top lessons learned.

To keep the video to an appropriate time frame for a briefing training, some minor details were omitted from the story and it focuses primarily on the initial response at the first responder level. There are multiple points during the video where questions are posed for the viewers to pause and have discussion about how they would respond.

The mission at Thin Blue Line of Leadership is to inspire law enforcement supervisors to be the best leaders they can be by providing positive leadership tactics and ideas. Positive leadership and creating a positive squad culture are on-going commitments that must be nurtured and developed over time. Thin Blue Line of Leadership is here to help.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have ideas to share or suggestions for improvement. Your thoughts or comments on this blog are always appreciated either below or on our Facebook page. You can also follow us on Twitter at @tbl_leadership.

Continue saving the world one call at a time and as always, LEAD ON!

BRIEFING VIDEO: A Review of Making It Safer

This briefing video is the TBLL interpretation of the study Making It Safer: A Study of Law Enforcement Fatalities Between 2010 – 2016 that was put out in 2017 by COPS and the NLEOMF. There is also a clip on passenger-side approaches referenced from Gordon Graham and Lexipol. Overall, the suggestions provided are fundamentals of safe policing, but a reminder every now and then can be helpful to save a life.

The mission at Thin Blue Line of Leadership is to inspire law enforcement supervisors to be the best leaders they can be by providing positive leadership tactics and ideas. Positive leadership and creating a positive squad culture are on-going commitments that must be nurtured and developed over time. Thin Blue Line of Leadership is here to help.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have ideas to share or suggestions for improvement. Your thoughts or comments on this blog are always appreciated either below or on our Facebook page. You can also follow us on Twitter at @tbl_leadership.

Continue saving the world one call at a time and as always, LEAD ON!